Jackie's Petitions

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Petitions for 5/11/08

Pentecost Sunday
Cycle A: May 11, 2008
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may continue to bring the Spirit of Christ to the world, especially to all who are searching for truth and wholeness, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the unity of the human family: that the divisions between Christians may cease, and that the walls that divide believers may fall, allowing us to pray and grow together as God's people, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the people of Burma and all who are suffering from natural disasters: that God will give them strength, protect them from disease, and speed the assistance they need, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are graduating this spring: that God will guide them to places that are life-giving, opportunities to use their gifts and knowledge, and to friends who will call forth the best within them, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that the Spirit of Peace may guide us to new ways to end hostilities, remove barriers and misunderstandings, and heal old wounds with the people we care about, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now...
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)