Jackie's Petitions

Monday, July 30, 2007

Petitions for 8/5/07

MS Word Document

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: August 5, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may recognize to whom we belong, and honor God’s gift of life each day, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who find life lacking in meaning: that God’s Word will touch their hearts, and open before them the beauty and value that God unfolds each day for us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are traveling: that God will guide and protect them, and lead them safely to their destinations, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who struggle because of financial burdens, especially the unemployed: that God will guide them in their decisions, help them to use their resources wisely, and open new opportunities for them to use their gifts, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may never be seduced by the illusions of wealth, fame, power, or control, nor let them dominate our lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Petitions for 7/29/07

MS Word Document

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: July 29, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we, like Abraham, may grow in our relationship with God and confidently call upon Him in every situation in our lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members of Congress and local legislatures: that God will inspire and embolden them to protect the dignity of human life and promote the well-being of the forgotten and marginalized, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are burdened with guilt: that God’s love will free them and bring them to confidence that all our sins are pardoned, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are facing trial and difficulty: that God’s Spirit will strengthen their hearts and fill them with courage, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may seek the Reign of God, and to do God’s will in all our endeavors, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Petitions for 7/22/07

MS Word Document

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: July 22, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may labor in joy at every opportunity to build up the Body of Christ, and seize each chance to be hospitable and welcoming to all those who encounter the Catholic Church through us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the leaders of government and business: that they may work to ensure the just use of resources, and good stewardship of the earth, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who have been impacted by heat, wildfires, floods, or drought: that God will send favorable weather, fill their hearts with courage, and speed the relief they need, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are busy, full of worry, or under stress: that they may take a moment to sit at the foot of the Lord and let his Word calm their hearts: we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may recognize God’s presence in our lives and heed the word of life spoken in our hearts, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Petitions for 7/15/07

Hey! Can whoever's reading this let me know what I'm supposed to do if I'm scheduled to lector on the 15, but am going to be out of town? I tried emailing Adam, but haven't received a response yet. Am I supposed to just email all the lectors who get the Availability emails?

MS Word Document

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: July 15, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we will strive always to keep God’s commandments, which are in our hearts, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For wisdom and understanding for political leaders: that God will inspire all leaders of nations with insights into how to promote peace, understanding, and justice so that all may live in safety and freedom, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For Hope: that God will renew the spirits of all who are burdened and turn to Him in need, and that He will give new vision to all who can see no reason to continue to struggle against evil, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For living faiths: that all Christians may strive to love the Lord with all their heart, strength, mind, and being, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we will do our best to love every person we meet as we love ourselves, and to treat all people with mercy, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Petitions for 7/8/07

MS Word Document

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: July 8, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For Pope Benedict: that God will help him in proclaiming the truth and leading the Church to greater love and unity, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For peace throughout the world: that conflicts and jealousies may end, and that all nations may use their resources to defeat disease and hunger, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For Christian communities that are experiencing oppression and persecution, especially those in Gaza, Iraq, and China: that God will strengthen them, renew their hope, and give them courage, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are making a journey, especially pilgrims, refugees, and those moving to new homes: that God will guide and protect them on their journey, and lead them to new discoveries about themselves and God’s love for them, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we, like Jesus’ disciples, will learn to rely solely upon God, and be freed from being owned by our material possessions, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)