Jackie's Petitions

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Petitions for 7/1/07

MS Word Document

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: July 1, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we will strive to leave ourselves behind and follow Christ whenever we hear Him calling in our lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the every nation: that all sides of every violent conflict will remember to love their neighbors as themselves, and seek other ways to settle disputes, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are pregnant: that God will bless the life they carry and protect it from harm, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all people who live in freedom from homelessness, from hunger, and from poverty: that they will use their freedom as an opportunity to serve other people through love, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we will always endeavor to live by the Holy Spirit, and keep in mind that some desires of the flesh – for money, lust, and power – can be contrary to God’s plan for us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Petitions for 6/24/07

MS Word Document

Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Cycle C: June 24, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may be Christ’s light to all nations, and illuminate the world with faith in Him, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the leaders of nations: that they will answer God’s call be shepherds to their people: to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and clothe the poor, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all those who feel lonely or isolated: that they will be comforted by the fact that the Lord knows and understands their hearts, and is always guiding them, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For those who despair, or feel worthless: that they will know that their good works are not done in vain, and that their reward will be given by God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may prepare a way for the Lord to come into our hearts by removing the obstacles of sin with confession and repentance, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Petitions for 6/17/07

MS Word Document

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: June 17, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may be instruments of God’s forgiveness and mercy to all who are burdened by sin and failure, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are alienated or isolated: that God’s Spirit will break the bonds and barriers that hold them, and lead them to freedom and reconciliation, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all fathers and for those who have been like a father to us: that God will bless them with health and fill their hearts with peace and joy, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are away from home, especially fathers who are separated from their families: that God will guide and protect them and bring them home safely, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may see others as children of God, and never judge them solely based on what we can see with our eyes, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Petitions for 6/10/07

MS Word Document

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Cycle C: June 10, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may lay down our lives in service of Christ, as he laid down his own life for us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the salvation of all people: that Christ’s limitless sacrifice will complete those who have been searching for wholeness in their lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all those who are hungry: that everyone who is fed with the Eucharist may be filled with the determination to do what they can to eliminate hunger, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the gift of peace: that God will deepen the desire for peace in the hearts of all who hold power, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may deepen the virtue in our lives by growing in patience, endurance, fortitude, and hope, and thus manifest God’s life within us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Friday, June 01, 2007

Petitions for 6/3/07

MS Word Document

Most Holy Trinity
Cycle C: June 3, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Risen Lord, Listen to Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may experience the love of God that has been poured into our hearts, we pray to the Lord:
Risen Lord, Listen to Our Prayer

For all who are in need of God’s saving grace, especially those who hold others in servitude, abuse others, or who are ensnared by crime: that God’s love will change their hearts and lead them to truth, we pray to the Lord:
Risen Lord, Listen to Our Prayer

For a deeper appreciation of the gift of nature: that we may see in the heavens, on the earth, and in the sea, the handiwork of God, and delight in His gifts to us, we pray to the Lord:
Risen Lord, Listen to Our Prayer

For children as they begin their summer break: that God will preserve them from harm and help them to appreciate all the gifts and blessings that they have received, we pray to the Lord:
Risen Lord, Listen to Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may learn from the love and self-giving of the Trinity, and enter into true and honest relationships with all who are significant in our lives, we pray to the Lord:
Risen Lord, Listen to Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)