Jackie's Petitions

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Petitions for 4/1/07

MS Word DOc

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Cycle C: April 1, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Church: that we may offer up our brokenness to the Lord to be made whole in receiving his Body, as well as offering up our joy in receiving his Cup, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For peace in the world and an end to violence: that the death of Jesus may turn all hearts to seek new ways to resolve conflicts and give courage to all who suffer injustice, we pray:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For all who feel doubts about their faith: that they will remember the words of Jesus – “All of you will have your faith shaken” – and take heart in the knowledge that questioning is part of strong faith, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Elect: that they will enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s love during this Holy Week, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that our flesh will be as willing to obey God as our spirits are, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Petitions for 3/25/07

MS Word Document

Fifth Sunday of Lent
Cycle C: March 25, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Church: that we may go out, meet, and welcome with God’s love all who yearn for wholeness and reconciliation, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the salvation of all: that those who have left or become alienated from their community of faith will be called back by God, and that the Church will reach out and welcome back those who heed God’s calls, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For all people who are experiencing pain inflicted by others: that they may be able to leave their pasts behind them and find the rivers created by Jesus, which are there even in the midst of our deserts, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Elect: that God will help them recognize the blindness that clouds their vision, and give them new awareness of His presence in their lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may take care in our every-day lives to not judge the sins of other people, and instead to love every person as a child of God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Petitions for 3/18/07

MS Word Document

Fourth Sunday of Lent
Cycle C: March 18, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Church: that we may reverence the grounds on which we stand, the earth on which we live, the bonds of friendship we create, and this community of faith, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For all who serve in public life: that they will recognize the needs of the powerless and marginalized, and strive to bring justice and relief to all, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For all who are experiencing affliction, whether spiritual, emotional, or spiritual: that God will show forth saving love and lead them to freedom, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Elect: that God will nurture them, and continue to give them opportunities to bring forth a harvest of faith, hope, and love, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may honestly evaluate our lives, desire reform, and seek reconciliation during this Lenten season, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Petitions for 3/11/07

MS Word Document

Third Sunday of Lent
Cycle C: March 11, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Church: that we may live confidently in the knowledge that God is with us, and that we may help others to recognize the presence of God in our lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For all who serve in public life: that God will help them to recognize the value and dignity of life, and to strive to find non-violent ways to settle conflicts, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the grace to recognize everything as a gift: that in knowing God as the source of all existence, we may see each day and each breath as a loving gift from God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the Elect: that God will help them recognize the graces and gifts they have received, and their need for God’s help to face their weaknesses, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may never limit the presence of God in our lives, but rather be open to the mysterious ways in which He is revealed to us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)