Jackie's Petitions

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Petitions for 9/30/07

MS Word Document

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: September 30, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may act like Christ by opening the gates that isolate and protect us from all who are not just like us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For world leaders: that God will open new possibilities to assist refugees and those living in poverty, and that He will guide wealthy nations to share their resources, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all ministers of the Christian community: that they may faithfully announce the Good News, and bear witness to it in their lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For students and instructors who are struggling to keep up with their academic pursuits: that they may approach their work with devotion and patience, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that our minds and hearts will recognize the Word of God in the Scriptures, in our communities, and in our own lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Petitions for 9/23/07

MS Word Documents

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: September 23, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that God may help us to have the ability to be trustworthy in all matters, great and small, so as to set an example of what it means to be a follower of Christ, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all people who hold authority over others: that they may permit devotion and dignity to guide their actions, and to keep in mind that all people are favored by God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For those who struggle to make ends meet: that they will take some comfort in the fact that God hears their cries, and will bless them and raise them up, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the grace of repentance: that we may recognize where we have wandered from God’s friendship and turn towards God’s outstretched arms of forgiveness, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may search for ways to help the poor and the needy we encounter in our lives, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Petitions for 9/16/07

MS Word Document

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: September 16, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that we may be instruments of compassion for all who are estranged from God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the leaders of government: that God will inspire their minds and embolden their hearts to seek justice for the oppressed, relief for the suffering, and opportunities for the hopeless, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the grace to forgive: that the love of God will free our hearts to forgive all who have wronged us, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are unemployed: that God will open new doors for them to use their gifts, to build up society, and to support their families, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who are incarcerated, especially those wrongfully so: that they may find hope in Christ, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that we may be open to God’s gift of mercy and unbounded forgiveness, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Petitions for 9/9/07

MS Word Document

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C: September 9, 2007
General Intercessions

Our Response is Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the Church: that all Christians may courageously embrace the cross and enter the paschal mystery, laying aside selfishness and rising to a life of love and sacrifice, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For an end to terrorism: that all who feel trapped and burdened by life may seek new ways to freedom, and come to a new understanding of the dignity of human life, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For a deeper appreciation of all the people who are in our lives: that we may see them with the love that God has for each of them, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For all who have no food: that God will touch the hearts of those with abundance to share their bounty so that all may experience the reign of God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the members and friends of St. Paul’s: that the Spirit of God will enlighten our minds with insight and understanding as we seek to follow the ways of God, we pray to the Lord:
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

For the silent prayers of our hearts and for any special prayers you wish to mention now…
(Pause for others to pray and for the priest to conclude with prayer)